Reduce pain, prevent injury, and improve your EDS symptoms

Meet Flometrics™: The innovative approach for people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,
developed by Dr. Jason Cole

It’s time to manage your EDS more effectively

Work with a compassionate, experienced Doctor of Physical Therapy who specializes in your unique symptoms

Physical therapy looks different for people with EDS…or at least, it should. To see the results you’re looking for, you need a provider who understands not only your condition as a whole, but also your specific symptoms.

Dr. Jason Cole developed the Flometrics™ protocol to help people like you manage your Hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome diagnosis in a more tailored, comprehensive way. Starting with a thorough assessment, he’ll help you work toward your personal goals using proven therapy techniques and a refreshingly empathetic approach.

Meet your compassionate care provider

Dr. Jason Cole, DPT

Dr. Jason Cole is a trusted hypermobility physical therapist with more than 20 years of experience helping patients deal with the chronic pain and limitations that come with conditions such as Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome and its comorbidities, hypermobility spectrum disorders, chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, and others. His innovative physical therapy approach, Flometrics™, integrates a variety of proven interventions, placing emphasis on gentle exercise, proprioception training, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, and trigger point dry needling techniques. 

Jason practices a compassionate approach to healthcare. That means listening to you attentively, believing you experience pain the way you describe it, and providing actionable ways to improve your current situation. Blending integrity, devotion, and hands-on treatment, Jason will always tailor your treatment to what works best for you

Discover the Flometrics™ difference

  • Muscle Engagement > Muscle Guarding

    Many people with EDS get into a pattern of muscle guarding: the involuntary and often excessive contraction of muscles in response to pain, injury, or perceived threat to protect an injured or vulnerable area from further harm. It is a protective mechanism. Jason helps you stop doing this and focus on engagement instead.

    Muscle engagement is the deliberate and controlled activation of specific muscles or muscle groups to perform a particular movement or stabilize a joint. The goal of muscle engagement is to enhance functional movement, improve strength, and maintain stability and balance. It is an intentional and positive activation of muscles. Jason will help you work on controlled activation, functional movement, and efficient use of energy.

  • Awareness > Exertion

    Body awareness involves being mindful of how the body moves and functions and emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own physical limits and capabilities. Improving proprioception, or the sense of body position and movement, helps you become more aware of your joints and muscles affected by hypermobility or instability. By becoming more aware of your body, you can avoid movements that might lead to dislocations, subluxations, or other injuries. Understanding and listening to your body helps you recognize early signs of pain or discomfort, allowing you to adjust your activities accordingly. Enhanced body awareness leads to better coordination and balance, reducing the risk of falls and other accidents.

    Intense physical exertion, or even the “one size fits all” physical therapy protocols that presently exist, can be detrimental for EDS patients with connective tissue weakness, as it increases the risk of joint damage, muscle strains, and fatigue. By prioritizing body awareness over intense exertion, our physical therapy philosophy for EDS patients aims to create a safe, effective, and sustainable approach to managing the condition. Our approach will help you strengthen your muscles without putting undue stress on joints, allow you to adapt and build strength slowly, and improve your ability to perform daily tasks safely and efficiently. This philosophy not only helps in preventing injuries but also promotes a better quality of life.

  • Healing > Hurting

    With Flometrics™, we prioritize healing and restoring your body rather than risking harm through excessive exercise or “one size fits all” protocols.

    Traditional strength training isolates muscle groups and works them out to exhaustion using heavy weights or weight machines. For EDS patients, this leads to joint dislocations, muscle strains, overuse injuries, and excessive fatigue, which can exacerbate symptoms and hinder the overall healing process. Additionally, the existing physical therapy protocols for EDS patients focus on a highly structured, rigid program that emphasizes stabilization through specific exercises and routines. While effective for some, it can lack the individualized flexibility needed to address the unique variations and complex needs of each EDS patient. It requires strict adherence to a predefined regimen, which is not suitable for all patients, especially those with fluctuating symptoms or other comorbidities. Both will ultimately hurt EDS patients like you.

    In contrast, Flometrics™ offers a more personalized and holistic approach that allows for greater adaptability in managing the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of EDS. Our individualized and sustainable exercise plans focus on consistent, gentle activity that supports ongoing health and prevents flare-ups of symptoms. By focusing on healing and restoration, we enable you to perform daily activities with greater ease and less pain and empower you with the tools to maintain these activities on your own daily.

  • Body Flow > Body Strain

    As an EDS patient, you likely often use compensatory movements to avoid pain or instability, even though they often create muscle strain and exacerbate issues. Traditional exercise programs or those currently available for EDS patients with their "one size fits all" approach, may not address your unique and fluctuating needs.

    In contrast, Flometrics™ emphasizes body flow, focusing on smooth, efficient, and coordinated movements that protect hypermobile or unstable joints. This method reduces the likelihood of dislocations and subluxations while minimizing pain and discomfort. By encouraging natural movement patterns and balanced muscle activation, Flometrics™ helps prevent compensatory movements that lead to muscle strain and pain. Exercises are controlled and deliberate, focusing on quality over speed or intensity, ensuring movements are smooth and coordinated.

    Functional movement exercises mimic daily activities, helping you practice coordinated movements in a safe environment. Proprioceptive exercises enhance body awareness, supporting more fluid movements, while stretching and mobility exercises maintain flexibility, contributing to smoother and more efficient movement patterns. This approach not only improves body flow but also promotes joint protection, pain reduction, and overall physical well-being. By developing long-term strategies and creating a supportive environment, you’re are encouraged to integrate these practices into their daily lives, ensuring sustained improvements in body flow and joint health.

Flometrics™ is a gentle, holistic approach to guided physical activity and manual therapies for people with EDS. Developed by Dr. Jason Cole as part of The Prince-Cole Protocol™ for Managing EDS, this protocol focuses on managing pain, increasing proprioception, restoring movement, and slowing symptom progression.

Learn about our PT services

  • The first step in your transformative wellness journey is a thorough 1.5-hour assessment with Dr. Jason Cole. Through personalized attention, in-depth evaluation, and a holistic approach, we'll uncover the root causes of your discomfort, craft a tailored treatment plan, and empower you with the knowledge to achieve optimal health.

    1.5 - 2 HOURS | $250

  • If your personal health goals include increasing your strength, mobility, and overall wellbeing, Dr. Jason Cole will recommend regular exercise therapy. During each 45-minute session, you'll engage in targeted exercises, stretches, and techniques tailored to your needs. As you continue treatment, you will move toward a more active and empowered you.

    45 MINUTES | $150

  • If your personal health goals include improved function and vitality, Dr. Jason Cole will recommend regular manual therapy. During each 1-hour session, he will combine advanced techniques like trigger point dry needling, cupping, and soft tissue massage with tailored exercises for a holistic, hands-on approach to your wellbeing.

    1 HOUR | $175

Why do I need physical therapy anyway?

(Hint: It’s the gold standard treatment for EDS!)

Joint stability & strengthening

Most forms of EDS lead to joint hypermobility and instability due to weakened connective tissue. Physical therapy focuses on strengthening the muscles around your joints to enhance stability and reduce your risk of dislocations and subluxations.

Pain management

EDS can cause (often severe) chronic pain due to joint instability, muscle fatigue, and other complications. Physical therapists use techniques such as manual therapy, specific exercises, and modalities like dry needling, cupping, and soft tissue mobilization to help you manage and reduce pain.

Improved functionality

Regular physical therapy helps improve your overall functional abilities. By increasing your muscle strength, coordination, and endurance, you can perform daily activities more efficiently and with less discomfort.

Holistic approach

Physical therapists often take a holistic approach, considering not just the physical but also the psychological and social aspects of living with EDS. They provide you with support and strategies to cope with the condition's impact on your daily life.

Education & awareness

Physical therapists educate you about your condition, teaching you how to move safely, avoid injury, and implement proper body mechanics. This knowledge is crucial for managing your EDS in everyday life.

Customized exercise program

Each person with EDS has unique challenges and needs. Physical therapists create individualized exercise programs tailored to your specific needs and limitations, ensuring your exercises are safe and effective.

Prevention of secondary complications

EDS can lead to secondary issues such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and muscle weakness. Physical therapy aims to prevent these complications through targeted exercises and interventions.

Praise for Jason

  • “I've spent the last two hours texting and FaceTiming my small inner circle who have been through all of my health challenges for the long haul, singing your praises and celebrating with them that I have found someone (you!) who has finally given me hope that I might be able to both improve my chronic pain and stave off the rigidity that I know is down the road for me with EDS. We're all seriously having little dance parties because this seemed so out of reach just a week ago and for the last 32 years…. I feel really, REALLY lucky to have found you along this journey toward relief.”

    Excerpt from Lauren’s email to Jason after their first session

  • "Jason's work has been transformational for me. I have never had such effective therapeutic work done on my body, with limited painful recovery time. He possesses a deep knowledge of the complexity of EDS, all while showing genuine concern and respect for those living with this challenging disease."

    Kristin B.

  • "Jason's holistic approach to treating my EDS and muscle tension has allowed me to regain strength and mitigate chronic pain. The flexibility in my treatment plan allows us to address where the pain is the most and focused exercises to regain stability."

    Ashley C.


  • No. As a practicing physical therapist in the state of New Hampshire, Dr. Jason Cole is licensed to evaluate and treat patients without a referral from your doctor. However, some insurances will require that you obtain a doctor's order to receive reimbursement for treatment.

  • Connective Wellness™ is a self-pay out-of-network practice and accepts credit/debit cards, cash, and personal checks at the time of service. We do not accept insurance at this time. After treatment, you will receive an invoice that can be submitted to your insurance company for potential reimbursement, depending on your insurer's out-of-network coverage and policies.

    While we understand that our being unable to accept insurance can be frustrating to patients, we, like the myriad other doctors adopting this model, are doing so to avoid the bureaucracy and limitations imposed by insurance companies, enabling greater control over treatment decisions, enhanced privacy, and transparent pricing without hidden costs. This self-pay model allows you to begin treatment immediately without a doctor’s referral or the delays and restrictions of insurance approval, leading to quicker recovery and faster progress. With the freedom to integrate advanced techniques like dry needling, cupping, and soft tissue work, we offer longer, more personalized treatment sessions, focusing on holistic care tailored to individual needs. We are committed to offering the highest level of care in the shortest reasonable treatment time, empowering you with the skills to continue treatment at home to reduce your out-of-pocket costs and time spent in doctor’s offices.

  • Our clinic is located at 104 NH-101A, Amherst, New Hamphire 03031 with the Mind & Body Wellness Center, a brand new ADA-compliant facility. There is parking at both the front and rear of the building, including assigned handicapped-accessible spots. Our practice spans two floors and has elevator access, comfortable waiting room chairs, no harsh lighting, and is fragrance-free environment.

  • Prior to your initial visit, Jason will send you the Connective Wellness Intake Packet, which includes an intake form, medical history record, and all necessary consent forms so he may treat you. Here, you'll have an opportunity to tell him more about your current quality of life, how acute and chronic pain are affecting you, and your goals for improvement. Jason will read your packet thoroughly in the days leading up to your first meeting to begin to understand your unique physical needs.

    Expect to spend 1.5-2 hours together at your initial visit at our tranquil clinic space in The Mind & Body Wellness Center in Amherst, New Hampshire. You and Jason will have a chance to go over your packet to clarify any information, and he will conduct a thorough baseline evaluation to determine the appropriate plan of treatment. At the end of your visit, Jason will discuss with you your recommended individualized treatment plan, including frequency of in-person visits, at-home exercises, and suggestions for other lifestyle modifications to facilitate your work together.

    At each subsequent visit, you can expect to spend 45 minutes to one hour together working toward your goals.

  • Myofascial trigger point dry needling is a physical medicine, therapeutic, and diagnostic technique with the purpose of neutralizing dysfunction in soft tissue and restoring muscle and fascial function. This procedure acts to mechanically disrupt physiologically locked tissue and is accomplished by inserting a small, thin gauge, monofilament needle into the affected tissue.

    This procedure is not to be confused with acupuncture. Myofascial trigger point dry needling is based on Western concepts of anatomy, physiology, neurology, and biomechanics. Dry needling has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

Because you deserve EDS treatment from people who truly get it.

We’re Lauren and Jason. Through our own personal and professional experience, we’ve seen a glaring gap in comprehensive resources for people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. We’re here to bridge that gap with evidence-based insight, actionable programs, and a compassionate community full of people just like you.

Check out our mission and a glimpse of what’s to come for EDSers like you.

Why did we start Connective Wellness™?

Contact us.
(603) 931-0242

104 NH-101A
Amherst, NH 03031