We believe you. We understand you. We’re here for you.

One of us has EDS. The other treats it.

Lauren lived most of her life as a medical mystery. She dealt with odd, painful EDS symptoms for three full decades before finally learning what was causing them. It wasn’t until she found Jason, a physical therapist specializing in hEDS, that she finally found hope.

The two of us are deeply passionate about the EDS community. And we have the perfect skill set to help. Pairing Lauren’s personal experience and nutrition and culinary background with Jason’s professional experience and tailored interventions, Connective Wellness was born.

Together, we’ve created an innovative EDS management program that can truly change your life.

Meet Dr. Jason Cole, DPT

Dr. Jason Cole is a trusted hypermobility physical therapist with more than 20 years of experience helping patients deal with pain and limitations from such conditions as Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome, chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, and others. His physical therapy services use a variety of proven interventions, placing emphasis on manual therapy, therapeutic massage, and dry needling techniques. 

Meet Lauren Prince, MSW, CHC

Lauren is a sought-after culinary coach, functional nutritionist, and owner of the sourdough microbakery knead+nest. Along with running her businesses and family life, she manages her own EDS diagnosis on a daily basis. After receiving EDS treatment from Jason, she is able to have fewer flare-ups, better handle the flares she does have, and help others avoid them, too.

From the email Lauren sent Jason after their first session:

“I've spent the last two hours texting and FaceTiming my small inner circle who have been through all of my health challenges for the long haul, singing your praises and celebrating with them that I have found someone (you!) who has finally given me hope that I might be able to both improve my chronic pain and stave off the rigidity that I know is down the road for me with EDS. We're all seriously having little dance parties because this seemed so out of reach just a week ago and for the last 32 years…. I feel really, REALLY lucky to have found you along this journey toward relief.”