EDS Diagnosis + Genetic Testing

You deserve a timely and accurate EDS diagnosis. We can help.

Have you been struggling for years or even decades with troubling symptoms that seem random? Have you been gaslit by provider after provider, being told your pain or your symptoms are all in your head? Have you had to do your own medical research just to get a handle on what could possibly be going on with your body?

Getting an accurate diagnosis for EDS is crucial, as it lays the foundation for effective management and treatment of the condition. Traditional diagnostic methods, such as the Beighton Scale, are limited because they only account for joint hypermobility, ignoring other critical aspects of EDS. A comprehensive diagnosis needs to go beyond this to consider various symptoms and complications associated with EDS, such as chronic pain, gastrointestinal issues, and cardiovascular problems.

At Connective Wellness, our team of experts provides a thorough diagnostic assessment that encompasses multiple facets of health. Using the innovative Prince-Cole Scale™, developed by our founders, we assesses a broader range of symptoms and functional impairments, offering a more accurate and holistic view of your condition.

Additionally, while there is no currently identified gene for hypermobile EDS (hEDS), genetic testing remains valuable for ruling out other types of EDS and related connective tissue disorders. We closely follow the ongoing research by the Norris Lab, which is dedicated to studying the hEDS gene, and integrate the latest scientific findings into our diagnostic process.

At Connective Wellness, we offer both in-person and virtual services to drastically reduce the average time to diagnosis for EDS. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you receive a thorough and accurate diagnosis, enabling you to access the most appropriate and effective treatments for your specific needs. Let us help you navigate the complexities of EDS with confidence and expert care.

Join the waitlist.

At Connective Wellness, we are tirelessly working to expand our comprehensive care offerings for individuals with EDS and related conditions. We are excited to announce that we are now accepting people onto the waitlist for these upcoming services. Join our waitlist today to be among the first to experience our holistic, compassionate approach to EDS management.

Your journey to better health and more good days starts here. Sign up now and secure your spot!


Functional Nutrition Counseling


Primary Care